Thursday, May 03, 2007

I expound at length regarding my lack of trunk junk...

I love my job. Where else would I have the opportunity to offer up 1,000 words on the shortcomings of my ass and get paid for it?

Read it here, or I can sum it up in a sentence: "My ass is defiant and its flatness more powerful than a $36 pair of silicone inserts."


  1. Once at a writers group meeting, one of the writers explained that she had been unable to find any copies of the short story she planned to read because there was so much junk in her trunk.

    Because I was moderating the group, I shrugged and asked, "What chu gonna do with all that junk, all that junk, all that junk inside your trunk?"

    Her flustered reply: "Okay, Dr. Seuss!"

  2. Your article was hilarious and very well written.
    One of my good friends has a similar problem and she hates going shopping because of it!


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