Friday, September 23, 2005

Is it wrong...
to eat while I watch workout DVDs? I've got those "Eight minutes buns/abs/thighs/other fat body parts" DVDs because my intentions are good. However, eight minutes for an ab workout is a little long, so I usually end up on the couch after about 3 minutes with a snack.


  1. That's why I love you! Yes, 8 minutes is long for abs, jeez louise. I can barely manage 30 seconds. I think you deserve a snack for the effort!

  2. You're not really in denial about the eating while watching work out videos, until/unless you're eating WHILE you're working out. This is do-able on stationary exercise equipment like a stationary bike or an Orbitrek. I'm just sayin'...

  3. I find workout videos to be an excellent appetite suppressant.


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