Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Great big steps...

Many of you are already aware, but I've been away from here for a while and thought I'd get the official announcement out of the way so I can go back to my regular navel-gazing and micro-introspection. I've left my job at Skirt as of last week. A lot of people have gotten in touch (and I love you for it) and want to know why. The best way I can explain is to paraphrase from an email from a friend this week: "Little tiny dreams, Kelly Love, require little tiny thoughts and little tiny steps. Great big dreams require great big thoughts and great big steps."

I accomplished so many of my goals while I was at Skirt and I've made a positive decision to move on. I loved my job and I was really good at it, but sometimes that just isn't enough. I'm taking some time right now to figure out what my next move will be, but I am looking forward to what's ahead. My cell number will remain the same, for those of you who have it. My new email address is kellylovejohnson AT Please feel free to email me there any time!


  1. I got the same email this week! It's good to know that it hit home with someone else the way it did with me. I've been feeling very overwhelmed with so many things in my life and that was the little reminder I needed to remember the priorities and let go a little. :) Good luck with your new ventures.

  2. I wish I had the guts to do the same. I am definitely not happy with my current situation. I can't wait to hear about your journey and what is next for you. Yea!

  3. I have absolute faith that you will triumph in whatever area you focus your energy. You always inspire me. Happy Journey! :)

  4. Good luck with whatever you end up doing!

  5. I'm in awe. I'm jealous.

    You rock.

  6. Wow! I will be following your next steps closely, since as you know I left my job a few weeks ago and am trying to figure out MY best next step. Good luck!

  7. WOW. I didn't see that one coming, but I can imagine the mental freedom you must be feeling right now.

    The real question is will it still be skirt without you?? I don't remember it before you...

  8. I was surprised when I heard last week and just checked your site today. It sounds like this was your decision and I hope it was but if not it makes me very sad. I can't imagine that they will be able to find someone to do all that you did and as well as you did it. I haven't known you very long but have had respect for your work for a long time. I know you'll do amazing things because you are so talented, but I think they are going to be sorry they let you walk away. And I will miss you. It will not be the same!!!!

  9. I don't really know what to say about this post, except to agree with everyone else and say that I absolutely cannot wait to see what's next for one of my favorite people in the whole wide world.

  10. ooh, i can't wait to hear where this goes. All the best on your next adventure, Kelly!

  11. Good luck, K-Love. I know you'll not just land on your feet - you'll stick the landing.

  12. Really proud and excited for you. I love that feeling when the road stretches out before you, and your options are wide open. I've got a feeling you won't look back...looking forward to reading about your next adventure.

  13. Thanks to all for your words of support and encouragement! It hasn't been an easy couple of weeks and your comments and emails really mean a lot to me.

  14. Wow Kelly, that is exciting. I can definitely see that it is time to spread your wings. Good luck and I'm just dying to see your next steps.

  15. Now that you have left I feel like I can tell you that I always thought you were better than your job. Skirt is not the "edgy" magazine it once was and you can do better but you probably already know that. That said I will miss reading your essays. It was the one thing I looked forward to in the magazine and you always made me laugh histerically.

  16. Right on, girl. Write on. ;)

  17. Big changes. Good luck to you, Kelly. I've stood at the cross roads. It is scary exciting.


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